Monday, March 9, 2009

Suspension Of This Blog For The Time Being

I started this blog because I wanted to see what it was like to do one. What I found was, that it was a lot of work.

If this were the only thing I did, then I could put all my energies towards it, but because I also have a radio program and a monthly column in Hustler, the time I could devote to such a product was limited. I also found that my "Facebook" page was giving me the most fun and support and served some of the same purposes.

So for the time being I am suspending work on this blog. It will continue to exist. I will from time to time when the mood strikes me write something and post old Hustler columns here.  I am not against people like yourself contributing to this page and if you send me a piece to , I will publish it.

Thanks for your interest.

Alex Bennett

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Sunday Funnies 3/8/2009

This sunday, we once again look back at my old friend Bill Hicks who I consider to be the best standup comedian of all time.  That's one hell of a boast but it's true.   I didn't say alive because Bill died of pancreatic cancer in 1994.   A while back David Letterman righted a horrible wrong and played a standup routine that was done for his show and then dropped because Dave was afraid at the time to play it.  I'll write more about Bill and Dave later on, but for now here are two shots of Bill Hicks, the first is the banned standup from Letterman and the second is from his club act.