Finally our long national nightmare is over. Here's hoping that we don't have a new one, but things don't look good.
First of all the new president has fucked up a lot. Come on, Rick Warren for christ sake! What a slap in the face to gays everywhere who campaigned for Obama to have this future Jerry Falwell give the invocation. To appease the gays a few days ago he asked an Episcopalian bishop Gene Robinson who is gay to give the invocation, but not at the inhoguration but at the Sunday kickoff event. Obama just doesn't get it. He says he wants to be inclusive. Then why not invite the Ku Klux Klan or the American Nazi Party? Warren is an immoral fuck who shouldn't be allowed within 10 miles of this event let alone on the dias. As for being inclusive, for 8 goddamn years they didn't include us. Fuck 'em, it's our turn. Obama wants to compromise. Nothing good ever comes out of compromise except watered down ideas.
Then there is the Bill Richardson gaffe. He had to step down from being Commerce Secretary due to an investigation that is going on about possible improprieties on his part. Then there was his Treasury Secretary to be Timothy Geithner who it seems forgot to pay some $30,000 in taxes and has an undocumented alien working for him. All this from a guy who will oversee the IRS. How about Julius Genachowski his choice for FCC Commisioner who was an old pal from law school who was once an FCC attorney. Smell like cronyism doesn't it? If these actions were made by a Republican the liberals would have a "hissy fit".
Now comes the biggest oversight of all. I believe we are in a recession if not a downright depression that is effecting everyone. Then why the fuck are we spending over $150 million dollars on the inhoguration? Sure $45 million is in private funds, but still, what kind of example of austerity does this send? Obama says he wants recognize these financial times so he asked that no flowers be bought for the 10...count 'em 10 inhogural balls. Wow does that ever send a message of modest behavior and change.
If he really wanted to send a message of change and make a point that these are tough times, he could have just done the whole swearing in thing inside The White House and televised it. His hero Franklin D. Roosevelt did that in 1942 when there was a war on and said it would be in bad taste to lavish any extravagance on the event. The speech was short and the event small.
So tonight inside people in their tux and gowns will be feting on wine an pheasant in our nation's capitol while outside Americans go hungry and wonder how they will survive this financial Apocalypse. It is sad to say that this man, who so many are putting their faith in, is kicking off his presidency in such an elitist way.
The sad part is that he doesn't even see it.
1 comment:
HBO censored the Broadcast of the concert and no one got to hear the gay minister unless you were there.
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